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International Club: Dance Night
One of the outstanding clubs and an off-shot in Northwest High School is the club whose membership consists of people from different cultures all over the globe. International Club, a club established to encourage students to share their culture and also learn about other cultures. International club offers the best…
School Troubles
With just a few weeks under Northwest High School’s belt, students have already discovered several problems that have arisen, ranging from traffic to the sound of the dismissal bell. As suspected, things at Northwest High School wouldn’t run smoothly in the first weeks. Many students have pointed out the various…
Meet The Librarian
The contagious smile behind the Waukee Northwest library doors belongs to librarian Ms. Rechkemmer. She is originally from Omaha, Nebraska, and had previously taught middle school Language Arts for seven years. This year is Ms. Rechkemmer’s first year as a school librarian. Ms. Rechkemmer loves riding horses and credits that to…
Study Room Review
At Northwest, students use the group study rooms, located upstairs above the lunchroom, to work on projects, study for tests, and more. At Northwest, students use the group study rooms, located upstairs above the lunchroom, to work on projects, study for tests, and more. The students think the rooms are…
Front Desk Feature
The people at the front desk are a big part of how the school continues to run. They help keep track of every student in the building, help communicate to the whole school, relay information, and support teachers, staff, and students. They’re very busy people with bubbly personalities to welcome…
Highschoolers & Homework
Homework can be a high school student’s most bitter enemy. Are the first generation of students at Northwest High School finding their relationships with homework to be the same? Carly Rau, NWHS sophomore, said yes. Rau explained that extracurricular activities make homework especially difficult. “I have extracurriculars, I help with…