Finley Habgood Breaks School Record
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Finley Habgood breaks the Northwest cross-country 5k record on September 1st at the 54th Ames Kirk Schmaltz XC Invite. Habgood became the first Northwest female cross-country runner to run a 5k in under 20 minutes, with a 19:59.8. She is a junior and has been doing cross-country since her freshman year. During her freshman season, Habgood got a stress fracture in her foot, stopping her season after just one meet. In her sophomore year, she was still working through her injury and was only able to compete in two meets but was still unable to run to her full ability. This year is her first injury-free season, and she has become the leading cross-country athlete at Northwest. Habgood worked hard in the off-season and during summer training to prepare herself for this year’s season. Head Cross-Country Coach Peter Westerkamp said, “She was very hungry to not only prove herself, but she also wanted to contribute to her team more.”
Breaking the school record was not one of Habgood’s goals for the season. After the race, she did not realize that she had set a new record until she returned to the team camp with her teammates. She admits that she didn’t have a strategy going into her record-breaking race, and her only goal was to run hard and try to win. Habgood’s cross-country career is far from over, and she has many goals for herself and her team for the rest of the season. She plans to continue cross-country through her senior year and hopes to keep improving and eventually break 19 minutes. Habgood stated, “I hope to bring a small legacy to Northwest.” The team’s goal is to qualify and compete at the state meet, and Habgood will continue to work hard with her teammates to achieve this goal.
Habgood is not only a talented runner but a devoted teammate as well. There is no assigned team leader, but Habgood has adopted this role, and many runners look to her to guide the team. If she gets done with a workout and her teammates are still running, she will run out and cheer them on. Habgood brings a positive atmosphere to practices and encourages her teammates to stay optimistic if the workout is difficult and to always try their hardest. Lillian Sundet, a junior on the team, said, “She is always pushing me to be my best, encouraging me, even on days I’m not feeling the best.”
Habgood is unsure of her future with cross-country but is considering running in college. Now, she plans to continue training hard and enjoying every moment running with her team.