Stories by Amela Medinoski


Superintendent Dr. Buck on the 2021-2022 School Year

r As the end of the school year approaches, Waukee Community School District Superintendent Dr. Brad Buck reflected on the 2021-2022 school year’s most significant moments and the fate of the expanding district. Dr. Buck has been an educator for decades, and this is his third year as WCSD superintendent…

by Amela Medinoski  •  Apr 15, 2022

Iowans Stand With Ukraine

Iowan’s Act in Solidarity with Ukraine Hundreds of metro Iowa residents and visitors rallied at Iowa’s ‘Peace March in Solidarity with Ukraine’ in downtown Des Moines on Saturday, March 26th.  “We want peace, no more war,” and “I will stand with Ukraine,” chanted the crowd of protestors as they marched…

by Amela Medinoski  •  Mar 28, 2022

ACT and SAT: A Look into College Admission Testing

The American College Test and the Scholastic Aptitude Tests, commonly known as the ACT and SAT, are nationally recognized in admission to universities and colleges across the United States. SAT takers are rare in Iowa. “ACTs are just kind of a cultural thing in the midwest,” said Alizibeth Streit,…

by Amela Medinoski  •  Mar 9, 2022

Silver Cord Program at Waukee Northwest

The approximately 1,010 students currently in Waukee’s Silver Cord Program devote their time to community services and volunteer work in numerous organizations and events state and worldwide. Participants who complete the required number of hours are awarded a significant silver-colored cord to wear on their robe at their graduation ceremony,…

by Amela Medinoski  •  Feb 11, 2022

Meet The Librarian

The contagious smile behind the Waukee Northwest library doors belongs to librarian Ms. Rechkemmer. She is originally from Omaha, Nebraska, and had previously taught middle school Language Arts for seven years. This year is Ms. Rechkemmer’s first year as a school librarian. Ms. Rechkemmer loves riding horses and credits that to…

by Amela Medinoski  •  Dec 1, 2021