Stories by Delphina Lonsdale
Winter Weather Hair Care
Hair studies show how hair changes over the winter which can lead to higher rates of hair loss, in response community members of Waukee are left wondering how they can maintain their hair health through the cold season. A study by VA Randall and FJ Ebling stated, “The number of…
Ocean Aliens
A series of United States congressional hearings from November through December of 2024 sparked further conversations about the reality of aliens from outer space as well as in the ocean. Congressional hearings Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Implications on National Security, Public Safety, and Government Transparency and Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Exposing the…
Thanksgiving: Should It Still Be Celebrated?
Many people have heard the story behind the “First Thanksgiving,” but is it accurate? Is Thanksgiving even ethical to celebrate? The “First Thanksgiving” story in classrooms revolves around religious-freedom-seeking pilgrims sailing across the sea on the Mayflower. It is then said that these pilgrims would not have survived winter if…
Feature: Girls Swim and Dive
Riley Gojkovich is a hard-working, committed Northwest swimmer who injects passion into everything she does. This sophomore has been on the varsity swim team since freshman year and has been swimming for nine years since she was seven. Her commitment to her craft has led her to make strides to…
Sub Shortages
According to data and personal accounts of teachers and higher-ups, a substitute and teacher “shortage” is underway as the supply of people wanting to teach slows and the demand for substitutes and teachers grows. “There is a shortage metro-wide, and it’s an issue,” Current Waukee Board of Education President Wendy…
Homecoming Dress Shopping
As Homecoming dance season came to an end, high school students had to finish up their last-minute dress shopping. Teens all around Iowa had to rush to stores to find their homecoming dresses, raising a question about the policies of some of these stores. Helpful or restrictive? I interviewed past…