Stories by Ava Osberg


New Volleyball Rules

On February 20th, 2024, the NCAA Women’s Volleyball season will come with a new rule allowing setters to double on the second contact. According to the NCAA, this rule was brought into the game to make it more consistent with fewer fouling errors. Bulldog’s head coach Darrin McBroom sits on…

by Ava Osberg  •  May 7, 2024

YouTube Stars Arrested Amidst Child Abuse Claims

On August 30th, 2023, famous YouTuber Ruby Franke and business partner Jodi Hildebrent were arrested on six accounts of child abuse and malnourishment.  For many years the Franke family had a YouTube channel that started in 2015 called “8 Passengers”. The YouTube channel started to die out and was completely…

by Ava Osberg  •  Sep 24, 2023

Northwest Seniors Sign to College

On February 1st, 29 seniors at Waukee Northwest High School signed to the college they will be attending.  Many students take years to decide what they want to do for the rest of their lives, how they want to live the rest of their lives, and even the big decision…

by Ava Osberg  •  Mar 2, 2023

Johnston Student Suspended Over Shirt

A student at Johnston High School was recently suspended for a shirt demanding free speech.  The shirt read ‘what part of “shall not be infringed” do you not understand.’ The shirt also had a picture of an AR gun. The student was sent to the office and then suspended. After…

by Ava Osberg  •  Mar 1, 2023

Northwest’s New Phone Policies

At Waukee Northwest, the new cell phone policies are tightening restrictions on more and more students’ electronics. Teachers and staff at Waukee northwest continue to add rules and regulations to cell phones. In Northwest, every teacher has a different view on cell phones and their policies inside of their classrooms- whether…

by Ava Osberg  •  Feb 15, 2023

Local Traditions: Jingle In The Junction

During the holiday season, local shops in Valley Junction host mini-events for the public on Thursday nights. The shops in Valley Junction stay open until 9:00 pm every Thursday night, November 17th through December 15th. Many stores participate in the Jingle as well as prepare their stores many weeks or…

by Ava Osberg  •  Jan 5, 2023