Abortion Rights
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In the event of a domestic abortion ban within Project 2025, the rights of Northwest High School female students are at stake.
The Heritage Foundation stated, “Project 2025 is a historic movement, brought together by over 100 respected organizations from across the conservative movement, to take down the Deep State and return the government to the people. Its Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise, published in April 2023, is a product of more than 400 scholars and policy experts from around the country.”
Within this project, the abortion ban is treated as a debate rather than healthcare.
44 Northwest High School students were surveyed about the potential Project 2025 Abortion Ban, and the results are below.

According to the data, the abortion ban is denied by the directly affected female population and, in general, is mostly unsupported.
To take away a right, is to step back in history, the burning question: why? A common argument around abortion is whether it is murder or not, this is where the lines between science and opinion begin to fade.
Phia Beltman, a sophomore at Northwest High School, said, “I believe that all abortions should be legal before the end of the first trimester, and then should be legal in any case of risk to life of the mother after that.”
Some individuals advocate for the potential life of the unborn child, while others value the adult(s) affected. Pro-life or pro-choice, the battle of beliefs and values put in the hands of the law.
In a Wisconsin Supreme Court, Justice Jill Karofsky questioned Lawyer Matthew J. Throme in an oral argument over the abortion ban.
Karofsky and Throme transcript:
Karofsky: “Under your interpretation of 940.04, there would not be an exception for sexual assault or rape, correct?”
Throme: “I believe that is correct”
Karofsky: “There would not be an exception for incest, correct?”
Throme: “I believe that is correct.”
Karofsky: “There would not be an exception for the health of the mother, correct?”
Throme: “I believe that is correct”
Karofsky: “There would not be an exception for fetal abnormality, correct?”
Throme: “I guess it would depend on the extent of the fetal abnormality”
In the event of an uncontrollable circumstance such as rape or abnormality, the female is forced to conceive. To take care of a child takes maturity and preparation, to be responsible for human life, there are a number of requirements. Whether it is physical, to take care of the baby in the womb, or emotional, to be stable enough to handle the baby throughout life.
Karofsky and Throme transcript, continued:
Karofsky: “A twelve-year-old girl who was sexually assaulted by her father, and as a result became pregnant. Under your interpretation of 940.04, she would be forced to carry her pregnancy to term, correct?”
Throme: “I would say under the policy choice the legislation made in 940.04 that that would be correct”
Karofsky: “So, in that case, a child would be forced to carry a baby.”
This law assumes that a child is ready to not only conceive but raise another child.
L. Gselamu, corresponding author from SciencePG, stated, “[T]eenage pregnancy comes with higher health risks than mature mothers, such as having an iron deficiency, cervical injury, high blood pressure, even death, malnourished and premature delivery.”
Studies reveal that in the event of premature childbirth, the mother’s health is destroyed. The abortion ban values the life of a fetus over a mother, but what type of life does this give to the fetus?
Mayo Clinic Staff wrote, “The earlier a baby is born, the higher the risk of complications. Short-term complications [such as,] breathing problems, heart problems, brain problems, temperature control problems, digestive problems, metabolism problems, and immune system problems. Long-term complications [such as,] cerebral palsy, trouble learning, vision problems, hearing problems, and dental problems.”
Ultimately, kids having kids is destructive for both the mother and child. An abortion ban not only increases these chances but suggests that these situations are okay.
In terms of indented pregnancy, deformity is entirely unpredictable. The severity of cases varies, some enough to disrupt basic human consciousness.
Waukee citizen, Sami Glover said, “That’s like a lifetime of care that the family could or couldn’t do, to provide for that child”
Pro-choice allows room for discussion on whether the parents are in the position to nurture this disabled child. Pro-life enforces the medical-dependent life on any family, whether they are mentally or financially able to or not.
Karofsky and Throme transcript, continued:
Karofsky: “[I]f [a sexually assaulted woman] were to obtain an abortion after quickening, the penalty under 940.04 would be 15 years; is a class E felony, correct?”
Throme: “I believe that is how it’s defined, yes.”
Karofsky: “If her assaulter is charged under 940.225 Sub3 SubA, which is a 3rd-degree sexual assault, he would be facing a 10-year maximum in imprisonment because that would be a Class E felony, is that correct?”
Throme: “ I’m not sure what the particular penalty associated with crime is”
Karofsky: “Alright, you can take my word for it. In that case, the penalty for aborting after a sexual assault would be more severe than the penalty for the sexual assault.”
An individual who sexually assaults someone does it for pleasure; however, a woman who aborts this inflicted baby does it for her health, whether it is physical or mental. In these circumstances, the law prioritizes a man’s benefit over a woman’s health.
Logan Bodine, a sophomore at Northwest High School, said, “In [member of the church of Jesus of the latter day saints], our prophets gave out this thing called proclamation of the family, and it says that every child has a right to be born of a loving mother and father and I think every child deserves to be born.”
The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution ensures freedom of religion, such as the belief in a loving home for all. Although, not everyone believes in the same thing, nor is every child born of loving parents.
Intergres Health wrote, “Children in [uninvolved parental] households are more at risk of struggling in future relationships due to withdrawal and fear of abandonment. Relationships, in general, may be anxiety-provoking due to the nature of their upbringing.”
If adults are told to face the consequences of sexual intercourse, it causes these children to be seen, sometimes even treated as punishments.
Ryan Crutchley, a sophomore at Northwest High School, stated, “Never in history has it been good when people try to push things on other people, so I think we should let people decide for themselves if they want abortion or not.”
As of late 2024, the abortion debate, legal or illegal, lies within the hands of the government.