Scheduling Tips For Students
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At Northwest High School, taking classes to earn all the credits is extremely important, especially when it comes to scheduling and choosing how to expand students’ learning after High School.
One of the several classes that students must take to graduate is financial literacy. Financial literacy teaches students how to manage money and pay for things like cell phones, apartments, rent and mortgages.
“It is the one class every single kid every day in the rest of their life is going to use. You know sometimes we do not remember calculus. We do not remember a chemistry class, we do not remember those concepts because they are maybe not a part of our careers or jobs,” commented financial literacy teacher David Combs.
Making sure that students add to their schedules the classes they need to take to graduate has value when scheduling classes for each term, semester and year. Scheduling has started up for the upcoming year or years. Whether it is from choosing a career, extending learning throughout college, or simply making students schedules for classes they will be taking for their next year of high school. Scheduling can be super stressful, especially because of the classes offered that students want to try out but do not have enough time to.
“Now that I have taken a lot of the required classes, as well as ones I am interested in, it is hard to choose something I think I would enjoy. That being said, I think APEX offers that opportunity to many to branch out and try jobs they are interested in,” stated junior Payton Gibson.
There are a lot of options for classes to take and learn about what you plan to do in the future or want to study. However, trying to fit the courses you want to explore and the classes you need for credits are extremely difficult to balance.
“Ideally, students should take a core class each year to try and balance them with classes of interest each semester. This will maintain a good balance of classes throughout your high school career,” added Northwest counselor Benjamin Twigg.
Taking new classes to experience different career opportunities while also taking classes to complete credits is a lot for young students to handle. There are many core class options, which are classes that help complete the credits students need, such as math, science, English classes and much more. Most students make their schedules very carefully to make sure they take all the classes they need and want to.