Long-Term Substitute Teachers
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This year some amazing long-term subs are contributing to the success of North Northwest High School.
These couple of years there has been a shortage in the long-term sub-industry, and truly subs as a whole. Thankfully Northwest has subs that have helped when there is help needed.
Mr. Jones is currently having hip surgery and will hopefully be back by next term but in the meantime, he has a long-term substitute.
Harley Meyers stated, “ I am subbing for Mr. Jones. The classes are Statistics/Probability and Trigonometry. I have been here since about the third week of October. [I do] the same as the other teachers. Normal teaching duties and responsibilities as the other teachers in the school.”
Subbing is one thing that many former teachers enjoy doing for other teachers. And is a good way to still interact with students and watch them grow in the classroom while teaching something they are passionate about.
Julie Cusack commented, “I am subbing for Sarah Ehlers, who recently had a baby boy. I am covering English 2 and Honors English 2 until mid-January…This is my first year subbing–I taught English full-time for 18 years. [ But ] I have been at Northwest since October 7th.”
Many subs have similar schedules to teachers because they essentially do everything the teacher who is on leave needs to do.
Cusack claimed
, “On a typical day, I get here pretty early: I usually arrive before 7:00 so I can get settled, read email, and take care of any business from the night before–I’ve tried to not work at home, so that means getting a head start on things. I typically grade a bit, respond to student emails, and set up for the day. Obviously, during the day, I teach!”
However being a long-term substitute comes with many responsibilities, responsibilities that the teacher hopes the sub will maintain while they’re gone, such as the way the class is taught or the pace of the class.
Tsina Borgman voiced, “Long-term subs have totally different responsibilities depending on the position they take. One time I was responsible for all the plans, lessons and grades. One time I had no access to grading at all.”
There are also many benefits too.
Borgman expressed, “One thing that is challenging about subbing day to day is that you don’t get to know your students very well. Often you learn their names only to not have them again for months. Long-term subbing is great because you get to actually know your students like teachers get to!”
Everyone who subs or is a long-term substitute is highly appreciated at Northwest High School and is one of the many ways Northwest is so well organized.