Powderpuff Football Recap
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On Thursday, September 19 the Waukee Northwest seniors, juniors and sophomores, faced off in the homecoming Powderpuff game.
First, the sophomores faced off against the juniors, and the game was tight. The game started strong with the juniors making a touchdown in the first 2 minutes. But then a few minutes go by and the sophomores are now tied with the juniors. The center, Chloe Moen, sophomore, before the game she said.
“ I’m going to block them so they can’t get to the running back or wide receiver.” which was working well for the offense.
And continued like that for the rest of the game and in the meantime Maya Mestdagh, sophomore, on defense, said. “ I’m not going to let them get past me.”
Which truly worked but there were 7 seconds left on the clock the score was tied 12 – 12 but then the clock ran while in play only 40 yards away from the sophomores taking the lead but the clock timed out and so then seniority took them over because of the tie leaving juniors having the first win of the first game leading them to verse the seniors.
That truly worked, but if only they had a couple more seconds on the clock it would have led to a win in the sophomore vs junior game which is a common thing that was seen in both the games.
During The seniors vs. juniors game, it was a pretty tight game when it came to the points, lots of great plays and great turnovers during that game and lots of new but familiar times especially for some seniors, but also many returnering juniors because they liked playing the game last year, so they joined again. Especially for one in particular, Junior, Maslyn Eddy said. “ It’s really fun and it’s a way you can all play together with all different types of people and just have fun playing the game!”
Senior Gigi Garcia claims “I think the best part of Powder Puff was the atmosphere and how even before the game all of us seniors were getting so excited and creating this great mood that we are going to win and have fun.” and clearly showed that staying positive like the seniors did truly works because the seniors won the powderpuff game.
Overall it was a great time for most with lots of competition, laughing and great plays.