Homecoming Proposals
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Several Waukee Northwest High School students participated in homecoming proposals, prior to the annual dance on September 21st, to ask significant others and peers to homecoming.
On September 21, 2024, Waukee Northwest High School students celebrated their annual homecoming dance. Following up to the eventful night some students chose to make homecoming proposal signs—a popularized tradition used to ask peers and significant others to the dance. Many Northwest students who proposed took this opportunity to be creative and unique with their proposals. For example, some students involved puns, gifts and song lyrics in and along with their signs.

Waukee Northwest sophomore Delphi Lonsdale, stands beamingly next to her homecoming date Kale Burnight who’s holding a very cute coffee themed homecoming proposal! Lonsdale stated, “I felt very appreciated and recognized as a person, cause it was specific to my interests.”

Waukee Northwest sophomore Ashley Arnest and Waukee High School sophomore Clementine Pearce pose joyfully next to each other. The sign is a reference to the popular lyrics from the song Anything by artist Adiranne Lenker. “It made me feel known and appreciated because she knew I liked that album!” stated Clementine.

Waukee Northwest Seniors Avi Ganti and Claire Sargent smile together as they hold Avi Ganti’s homecoming proposal sign.

Waukee Northwest sophomores Sophia Towns and Cael Lemley smile delightfully, the sign reads “Hoco would be ruff without you!”

Waukee Northwest juniors Allisa Valcore and Preston Stock, hold Preston’s proposal sign together, displaying a very sweet and poetic message. According to Preston, “I asked what her favorite song was or album from The Weeknd and she said Moth to a Flame so I thought it’d be cute to have it on there you know?”