2024 Homecoming Court
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On September 19, 2024, Northwest held its fourth annual Homecoming Coronation where seniors Greta Paulson and Kellan Croatt were named Homecoming Queen and King.
Paulson and Croatt are both very involved at Northwest. Paulson participates in Varsity Tennis, Show Choir (EOS), Northwest Singers, Random Acts of Kindness club, National Honor Society, Thespian Troupe, Speech Team and Keynote Jazz Choir. Croatt is active in Show Choir (EOS), Student Council, Varsity Cross Country, Varsity Tennis, Ignition, National Honor Society, Northwest Singers and Best Buddies.
The week leading up to Homecoming the senior class elected 12 senior representatives to be on the homecoming court. The seniors elected were Paulson, Croatt, Lauren Dunn, Shelby Dehnke, Rylee Cooper, Anne Taoh, Lola Vogelaar, Will Koenig, Andrew Eastman, Davis Thompson, Gehrig Lachenmaier and Nolan Craig. The elected seniors are representatives of athletics, arts and school spirit shown throughout Northwest.
“I just remember being very excited because I get to represent the school in a way and it’s exciting to know that I made a mark on people,“ stated Lachenmair.
During the day of the coronation, the court and members of the football team, band, dance team, student council and cheer team traveled around to different feeder schools to pump up the community for the big homecoming game. The court was able to interact with the kids and walk around the various buildings that many of the members of the court once went to school at. The assemblies were very interactive with different games and activities.
“I’m excited to go to all of the assemblies at the elementary schools and get to talk, and see everyone because I’ve heard that the younger kids really like when the court comes to walk through the school,” stated Dehnke.
Right before the court is introduced during coronation they participate in their booth at Northwest Fest. Northwest Fest is another way for the court to interact and give back to the Waukee community. Following Northwest Fest, the court is then escorted and introduced on the football field. Each pairing is separately introduced and then they join together for a handshake or small dance. After every pairing was announced they then introduced the new homecoming queen and king for 2024.
“I’m excited for the coronation cause we get to share about who impacted us most so I feel like I get to thank all of the important people in my life,” stated Cooper.