Off-Season Athletes at Northwest
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During the off-season, Northwest High School student-athletes do a lot of work to prepare for their sports that goes unnoticed.

Track and Field athlete Katie Stahl continues her training all of the off-season for track. Stahl runs varsity track in the spring, however, her talent and hard work does not stop after the season is over. She continues her training through summer, fall and winter. The track and field coaches offer off-season training with practice opportunities three days a week with the option of lifting. These practices consist of conditioning to build the athlete’s endurance followed by running form work. Stahl makes sure to attend every practice possible with lifting three times a week as recommended by the coaches. Not only does Stahl do the track workouts but she also juggles club soccer through VSA. Her playing soccer in the fall and winter helps give her good conditioning throughout the whole year. Improving her performance in track.
Stahl Stated, “ It can be hard at times to balance school and my extracurriculars since sometimes I’ll have 3-4 activities per day, however, I will usually find some time throughout the day, when I can do my schoolwork.”
Finding time to do schoolwork is extremely important for athletes to try to maintain. Having a busy schedule and still finding time to get done what is needed is a big struggle for many who do sports or extracurriculars.
“Mainly, it’s just knowing my priorities of what needs to be accomplished throughout any given day, and taking rest when I can get it that has helped me make it through my really busy days while still completing all the schoolwork I need to,” Stahl expressed.
Senior Saahi Jetti pitcher on the varsity baseball team continues improving on his pitching skills during the off-season. Jetti continues his training through club baseball which is always available to athletes. However, the school baseball off-season starts in January. Each player on the team has a different type of schedule and workout based on their position. Jetti practices six days a week, his workouts consisting of a 90-minute lift followed by his throwing program.

Jetti said, “I think I am doing good with lifting consistently and getting my body stronger and more athletic. My main focus of improvement is simply throwing harder.”
Doing lots of lifting means you have to make sure you take care of your body. Jetti makes sure to use lots of recovery tools and stretching at night. As baseball season gets closer, Jettie will start lifting heavier with shorter workouts to ensure his body stays at high performance.
Kellan Croatt Junior at NWHS progresses in his talent of tennis during the off-season. Even though the school does not offer off-season training for tennis, Croatt still makes sure he practices and improves during the off-season. Croatt attends many clubs and lessons with professional tennis players. Croatt and other tennis players get lessons from a former Drake Coach two times a week for about two hours. This off-season Croatt is making sure he dives into what he was struggling with last year and improving on it.
“I think I’m doing well focusing on what I need more of my weaknesses last season. Last season my coach told me something to work on and I’ve been kind of focusing on that,” Stated Croatt.
Tennis is not the only thing Croatt does in his off time. In the fall Croatt did cross country. Having extra workouts throughout the off-season helps Croatt stay in shape and helps him not get burned out from tennis.
Croatt said, “[Cross Country] It’s a lot of cardio and once I get back to the tennis court I feel really like it’s easier to move and I’m not as tired. I have more endurance.”
As the season gets closer Croatt will focus on doing more matches rather than just practicing. Doing that will help him understand real match situations and help him prepare for meets.