Northwest’s New Lunch and Learn Program
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Northwest students had the opportunity to learn more about colleges and universities on October 20, 2023, during Lunch and Learn.
Throughout the years, schools across America have been promoting colleges and universities to increase the student’s chance of applying to a college. Recently, Northwest hosted a Lunch and Learn on colleges that have classes in the Health Department; Psychology, Nursing and much more. Northwest will follow this idea but with different kinds of Lunch and Learns each term.
There were about 10-15 tables setup with Admission Counselors and Employers trying to engage students during their lunch-period. On the tables, they had brochures, papers and business cards about the schools. They even spread candy out and one table had a poster.

Lauren Sharp, the Assistant Director of Enrollment Services at Drake University, had a table full of candy to attract students and engage them. According to Sharp, “Then they stuck around to see… we also did a little activity with oranges and blunt needles. So students could give a fake injection of water into the orange. That was probably the second intriguing piece.” She also included that this Lunch and Learn event was one of the most successful she has ever attended. Soon, she hopes to return and continue to promote Drake.
Other students enjoyed learning about the Health Departments, while others got engaged out of curiosity. Not from what they want to do when they are older. For example, Ryker Haas is not interested in the Health and Science world but looked around because they were giving out free items. Haas, a sophomore at NWHS, explained, “Yeah, I got a lot of free stuff and a plastic bag. I do not actually want to go to medical school.”
Lots of people did not mind it because the Health and Science Department did not interest them, while others did because they found it useful. Specifically, it was helpful because students could expand their knowledge of colleges or universities to attend so that they will get a better education in whatever field they are getting into.
Sharp also mentioned, “I think… so the Lunch and Learn at Northwest was probably one the most successful Lunch and Learns I’ve been a part of.” Then she went on about how Lunch and Learns are extremely helpful and how she wants to return to engaging with the students. She also added how more high schools should host Lunch and Learns like Northwest, especially in the Health-Care world.

Overall, the Northwest’s Lunch and Learn was successful and NWHS should continue to host Lunch and Learns to benefit students and colleges.