Barbie Movie Finds Popularity at Northwest
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On the 21st of July, the movie “Barbie” premiered in theaters worldwide, allowing audiences to watch the film. This production marked the inception of burgeoning cinematic franchises based on the complaint’s toys.
The movie “Barbie” has had a significant influence on cinematic works that explore the domain of plastic, as it pokes around the theme of identity formation. The movie features two main characters, namely Barbie and Ken. Barbie is described as a highly optimistic, compassionate and admirable person in the movie. On the other hand, Ken is depicted as a more intelligent, supportive and sentimental character. Devin Stitt, a junior at Northwest, watched this movie in the company of fellow juniors from Northwest. Stitt enjoyed the cinematic experience and was able to identify a message within.
Stitt stated, “I believe it was about how women can do anything/ be anything, along with how both worlds are not all perfect.” The movie “Barbie” has served as a source of inspiration for many individuals for the past couple of months.
Kejli Bektic, a senior at Northwest, expressed great enthusiasm for the movie “Barbie.” Bektic is not alone in her admiration for the movie. Having people from all over the world who have grown up watching these cinematic series has truly been a masterpiece.
Bektic stated “Barbie has always meant so much to me from the ages 4-12. It’s super special.” The production of this movie has inspired people from all over the world to take their love for it and turn it to the next level by dressing up to enhance their experience. The diversity of outfits and opinions displayed was truly unique.
Sophomore Jamison Reinders holds a moderate opinion on the viewpoint regarding the characters involved in the movie. Despite the societal significance of gender gaps, there exist diverse opinions revolving around the characters in the movie.
Reniders expressed “My favorite character was Ken.” Ken’s enjoyable personality in the movies conveys a positive message and his prominent role holds great significance for the audience.