Northwest’s Next Race: A Leader For Us All
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Northwest Juniors and Seniors have Student Body President elections on Wednesday, April 19th. I sat down to talk with the two candidates, Caleb Briggs and Finley Habgood to hear what they had to say about the upcoming election.
Caleb Briggs is a member of swim team, show choir, cross country, tennis, NHS, and RAK. “ I want to make everyone feel a sense of belonging and that they are cared for,” explained Briggs. Caleb is running because he wants to make a difference at Northwest and make school enjoyable for everyone. Briggs would like to bring a better togetherness as we are still building a foundation as a school. “I want student council to focus on more engaging school spirit activities that make everyone hyped for school-related events,” Briggs spotlighted. Caleb thinks that he has the qualifications to be president. “I am a responsible, committed, and optimistic leader and I strive to make our school a better place,” Briggs stated. He believes that the president should bring a brighter future by leading student council in all of their activities. “I am a fun and driven leader that loves spending time with others!” Briggs said. He feels that the biggest challenge of being president would be balancing time between being president and his other activities

Finley Habgood is a member of cross country, track and field, show choir, NHS, RAK, Best Buddies and Activities Council. Habgood believes that clubs are important to Northwest’s community. “High school is an important time to have fun and spend time with friends while growing together. The best way to do that is through involvement. Clubs, activities, extra classes, and intramurals are all great ways to enhance the high school experience,” Habgood explained. Finley has ideas on new things she would want to bring to Northwest. Her plans include recommendation boxes and club fairs. She would also want to update advisory times and change up assemblies. Habgood believes that she is qualified for the role. “I have served as class president for the past two years and have been exposed to communicating with different people and taking on multiple responsibilities at once,” Habgood said. She also said that she would see herself as the main line of communication from the students to the administrators. “I moved to Iowa in seventh grade and that has shaped me into the person and leader that I am today. Since I am involved in many different activities, I think that I am a great representative of the student body as a whole. I have close ties to many students as well as teachers to get things done efficiently,” Habgood stated. Finley believes that a main challenge of being president would be balance, but she knows she will be on top of her schedule in order to serve her school efficiently.