Valentines Day
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February 14th, Valentine’s Day, is one of the most hated holidays of the year. Single people of all ages have their qualms with the holiday, for the reason that they don’t have a partner to spend it with. It tends to highlight a streak of loneliness within people, which makes them dislike the holiday. Though the majority of that hatred comes from single people, not all of it does. Taken people can also struggle with this topic because of the major burden that comes with the holiday: gifts.
Sophomore Karsyn Harms explained how she loves Valentine’s Day, and always has, for a multitude of reasons. She also explained how she loves giving gifts, and that communication is key. “I don’t think that giving gifts is a burden because if you communicate with your partner, it shouldn’t feel that way.” Harms continued, “My advice is to talk to your partner before Valentine’s Day and figure out what you both want to do. One person might like the holiday, and the other might not. It just depends and you need to have that communication there, so you can see what works for both of you,” Harms stated. She also continued on to explain how Valentine’s day doesn’t just have to be about a partner. “Valentine’s Day can be spent in tons of different ways, even if you aren’t in a relationship over the holiday, you can spend it with your girl friends and do a ‘Galentines’ type thing,” Harms stated. “I think you should make it about loving whoever you are with, whether it be a partner or other loved ones. It’s just all about love!” Harms added.
Sophomore Sara Anderko expressed her feelings about Valentine’s Day. “I feel like it’s a great holiday for couples, but if you are not in a romantic relationship, then it feels pointless for you, and it makes you feel lonely,” Anderko explained how changes could be made to Valentine’s Day. “I think the holiday could definitely have some changes made, or at least normalize some aspects of it. I think we should normalize girls getting guys flowers. I feel like girls tend to be on the receiving end of things, gift-wise, pretty frequently. I think girls should be able to get the guy something of that sort, and not have it feel weird,” Anderko stated. She also believes that more love is just what the world needs. “I like the fact that the holiday is just all about love. You feel like you should give love, and love everyone, which is how it should be anyways. It’s just a very caring, heartwarming day,” Anderko stated.
Sophomore Alivia Bailey explained her feelings about the holiday, “I think that it’s a nice holiday because I think that it can be made for everyone, even if you don’t have a significant other. It just gives you an extra day to show appreciation for those around you,” Bailey continued, explaining how she would try and change someone’s feelings on the holiday. “If someone doesn’t like the holiday, it’s probably because they haven’t had a good experience on Valentine’s day. I think that those people should just give it time, and hope that they can have better experiences in the future,” Bailey explained.