Classic Holiday Cookie Review
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The Holiday season is quickly happening and there are quite a few aspects of the season that Americans nationwide look forward to every year.
Whether it be getting out of school for a few weeks or getting to spend time with family, there are many different parts of this time of year that are significant. One of these things is holiday food, especially Christmas cookies. There are many kinds of Christmas cookies that families make. Below is a list of classic Christmas cookies worth taking the time to bake and eat this season.
5. SPRITZ Cookies
These are cookies that got their name from the “Spritz Press.” This is a device used to create fun-shaped cookies out of sugar dough and finished off with decorative sprinkles. While the press can make these cookies difficult to make, there are many ways to get the perfect cookie such as having the right dough temperature and consistency.
4. Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies
These cookies are made with peanut butter and brown sugar and then finished with a single Hershey’s Kiss on top. They are also made in a timely fashion. They only take 8-10 minutes to bake. These cookies are great for peanut butter lovers. However, if the peanut butter flavor isn’t strong enough for you, add a little bit more vanilla AND almond extract to boost the flavor.
3. Gingerbread Cookies
These cookies are staples for the holiday season. Made with special dark-brown sugar and finished with flavors of ginger and cloves, these cookies are suitable for all ages.
2. Peppermint Bark Cookies
While these cookies are the most unique of the five, they are aesthetically pleasing to look at and contain the most iconic holiday flavor, peppermint. The greatest thing about these cookies is that there are multiple different variations of them. Melanie Marks is a sophomore who enjoys baking from home. Marks states, “I like that even though [the cookies taste] like a mint, it’s still a form of candy and still tastes sweet.”
1. Frosted Sugar Cookies
The top pick for the best holiday cookie is a classic frosted sugar cookie! Not only do these cookies have a wide variety of things you could do with them, but they also are the most simple to make. Claire Tigges is a sophomore at Northwest High School who regularly bakes for fun. Tigges states, “The easiest cookies to make are definitely Frosted Sugar Cookies, but with royal icing.” Sugar cookies are also very popular amongst students. Northwest High School sophomore Saanvi Nallu states, “I really like the Christmas sugar cookies with frosting on them.”
Overall, every Christmas cookie has a special purpose and can be enjoyed by all.