National Cookie Month
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Three cookie shops in Des Moines – Thelma’s Cookies, Eileen’s Colossal Cookies and Echos Cookies & Cakes – are great places to celebrate National Cookie Month.
The taste and ingredients of cookies have changed tremendously throughout history. Cookies started out as a sweet treat for when having tea or coffee in old England. Cookies have now evolved into sweet treats that people tend to enjoy as a snack or dessert. In today’s world cookies have taken a massive rise in the economy and also in interest.
Thelma’s Cookies happen to be a brand that the student body enjoys. Lauren Dunn, sophomore, said, “[My favorite ice cream sandwich is] sugar cookie and strawberry.” Dunn continued, “I enjoyed how the cookie was soft and the ice cream was really tasty. It seemed to have the right amount of sweetness and the strawberry flavor wasn’t too overpowering. I also feel like the serving size is appropriate and is great for a late-night treat!”
Senior Natalie Gallagher has had both Echo’s Cookies & Cakes and Thelma’s Cookies. Her favorite is Echo’s Cookies & Cakes. She said, “Echos is so good because they have a variety of treats, not just cookies. But, their cookies are always fresh and just amazing.”
All of the stores sell similar but different cookies. Dereck Lewis, Owner of Thema’s Cookies said, “I didn’t open a cookie shop, in the sense of a retail store. We started as a cookie delivery service like [how] you would [buy] flower[s].”
Lewis also said, “It’s my great grandma’s name, we used her snickerdoodle recipe. So, we built a product around the feeling of you being at your grandma’s house, with high-quality ingredients.”
Personally, my mood dictates my favorite cookie. If I’m feeling really good that day, then I’d want to try a cookie that has a lot going on, and a weird combination of flavors. But if I’m just not feeling happy, excited, or super energetic then I’d want to go with something plain or basic, like a simple chocolate chip cookie. I love cookies, so when reviewing these three cookie places I did it all on different days so I could have a clear mind each time. On the first day, I tried Thelma’s Cookies snickerdoodle cookie. On the second day, Eileen’s Colossal Cookies a sugar cookie with frosting. On the last and final day, I tried Echos Cookies & Cakes, strawberry shortcake cookies. Overall I’d have to say all of them are my favorite cookies.