Horror Movies 2022
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Trigger Warning: Horror and mentions of Suicide
Northwest High School students look forward to October because of new horror film releases; Smile, Halloween Ends, and Orphan First Kill.
Halloween Ends is a movie that many students at Northwest have been excited about and looking forward to. The transition from the 1978 Halloween to the 2018 Halloween is a 40-year break. Jamie Lee Curtis won an oscar winning performance for her work in the franchise. Her acting life has changed ever since the original Halloween movie. Jamie Lee Curtis surprised film critics in Haloween Ends, some even said this was her best performance since the 1974 Halloween movie. Sophomore Korben Coates stated, “This is the worst Halloween movie in franchise history because Micheal Myers was barely in the movie.” Many viewers have decided not to go see Halloween Ends because Micheal Meyers isn’t the main character.
Smile, starring Sosie Bacon, a first-time leading horror actress, is making a bang with her performance. Sophomore Greenlee Jones saw Smile. Jones shared her feelings when watching the movie. “I was scared it was probably the scariest movie I’ve watched,” stated Jones. She had talked about how creepy it was. Jones explained, “How she saw people’s smiles after the suicide and you know I had to sleep with a light on.” Jones finished, “It was a good scary movie. The jumpscares just scared me during the movie.” The movie Smile may have positive things said about it, but people mainly get terrified by this film.
Orphan First Kill is the long-awaited sequel to the 2009 movie Orphan, which had critics in a tie. Many critics who have seen Orphan First Kill have been happy to say they loved the movie. Sophomore Ethan Bruannger said, “This is a dumpster fire compared to the previous movie.” The anger with Orphan First Kill Originally started when people were comparing how good the trailer looked and in reality how bad the movie was. Some viewers even walked out because of how bad the movie was to them.