A Look Back on Serena Williams’ Legacy
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Serena Williams is a 23-time Grand Slam champion that completely transformed women’s tennis forever with her dynamic style of play and dauntless personality. As of September 2nd, 2022, Williams recently competed in her last match and retired at the age of 40.
Serena Williams and her sister, Venus Williams were raised on the tennis court. Their father, Richard Williams single-handedly taught them the sport of tennis, as he would take them to the public tennis courts near their house to play and learn. It was discovered that both girls had a ton of natural talent for the sport. They became so good that their whole family moved to Florida so the Williams sisters could play at a tennis academy in 1991. Then in 1995, at the incredibly young age of 14, Serena Williams went professional. 3 months later, Williams was the youngest woman to accomplish a Grand Slam. A Grand Slam is the accomplishment of winning all four major tennis championships in places such as the United States, Great Britain, Australia and France. Williams then went on to win her first U.S Open in 1999. Over the years Williams has achieved 858 tour victories, 73 single-game titles, and 4 Olympic gold medals. Playing doubles with her sister Venus, she earned 3 gold Olympic medals. Northwest tennis player, Kendra Metzger says she’s been influenced by Serena. “She’s played for so long and inspires me to keep going when things get tough,” said Metzger.
Not only did Serena change the game with her talent, but she also created an influence and inspiration for many young players. Countless other colored players such as Naomi Osaka and Taylor Townsend have stated they entered the game from the inspiration of the Williams sisters. The Williams sisters have opened up the sport and have attracted people of every background and color. There have been, however, some issues with Serena and her race. One day, Venus and Richard took a seat at the match and people began booing them. Richard then reported after the match that he was the target of many racial slurs. Serena and Venus then boycotted the public by not participating in the Indian Wells Open for 14 years.
The Williams sisters have also impacted members of our very own Northwest Tennis Team. Sophomore tennis player Maggie Miller states, “She really puts in the work and it inspires me to do so also.” Another varsity tennis player, Sofia Everett, was also impacted by Serena. “I have always looked up to her and she has really impacted her tennis career,” explained Everett. Serena Wiliams has had a very successful and fulfilling career.