Meet The Student Body President Candidates
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This spring, sophomores and juniors will have a chance to vote for the 2022-2023 Student Body President. This year there are four students running for the title. Natalie Becker, Cody Holcomb, Drew Lehman, and Davis Schmidt. The 10th Street Times had the opportunity to sit down and interview the candidates. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by last name:
Natalie Becker has been involved in student council since her sophomore year, is on the varsity dance team, and is an active member of varsity show choir, along with the National Honor Society. Outside of school, she dances at a local dance studio. During her time in student council, she has helped coordinate several activities such as homecoming, prom, the blood drive and the student councils exchange with Valley High School. Becker has spent her entire academic career in Waukee schools, which has helped her to interact with several students and administrators. Considering she is also involved in several activities throughout the school, she feels that she has been able to establish many connections and make new friends. Becker wants her time as president to be focused on inclusivity in the school. “I see my role as president to be inclusive. It is my job to get students involved and make school a good environment. If there are issues that arise within the school, the president should feel comfortable addressing the situation,” commented Becker. If elected she also hopes to emphasize student involvement. She would plan to have more fun activities throughout the school year if elected.

Cody Holcomb is currently involved in student council and has also been involved in several activities throughout his high school career, including speech, theater and rock climbing during his free time. Because of the copious amount of activities that Holcomb has been involved in, he has been able to establish connections with a large majority of the student body which includes both juniors and sophomores. Holcomb believes the student body president should be able to collaborate and work with a large variety of people. The president should also understand the needs of the entire student body, and listen intently to those needs. Holcomb hopes to incorporate more inclusiveness in the school within the student body. “I want to make sure everyone knows that they are important and that they can be included in literally anything,” said Holcomb. Holcomb thinks that utilizing the brand new school is a great way to increase student involvement. Starting with communication, Holcomb hopes to establish better communication between students and student leaders, which starts with greater transparency. Although Holcomb feels that his biggest challenge will be catering to everyone’s opinions and desires, Holcomb hopes to establish a middle ground and create compromise throughout his time as president, if elected.
Drew Lehman has been involved in student council throughout his sophomore and junior year. Lehman also participates in cross country, track and show choir. Throughout his time in student council, he feels that he has established connections with student council sponsors, Mrs. Savage and Mrs. Groathouse, and has maintained connections with current and former student body presidents, Abby Cook and Bailie Kroll. Lehman looks to unite the gap between the student body and administration if he becomes president. He also hopes to strengthen communication between the administration and the student body’s needs. Student involvement is another important aspect of Lehman’s presidency. “I feel like I know a lot of the student body…so, I could do a good job of communicating with them and making sure everyone feels included,” emphasized Lehman. Lehman also wants to bring new traditions to Northwest and wants to try new activities within the school. He says he is always on the lookout for new ideas and will utilize various resources for inspiration. Lehman also wants to establish more tradition if he is elected president.

When Davis Schmidt first started in student council, she loved having the chance to represent the student body and create a great environment for everyone. Schmidt is involved in various activities as well including volleyball, tennis, Best Buddies, the National Honor Society and the superintendent’s advisory committee. During Schmidt’s sophomore year, she was one of the co-presidents on her student council board. This year, she is now the junior class president, which she feels has made her qualified to be president. She was involved in the planning of several activities during her time on the council, which included the planning of various homecoming and prom activities; Schmidt has also been involved in assembly planning. Schmidt hopes to start plenty of new traditions during her time as president, which will hopefully lead to greater student inclusion. “Blacklight volleyball and the homecoming activities were successful. I want to have more [activities] throughout the year for students to be able to come together,” detailed Schmidt. If elected as president, Schmidt hopes to make every student feel that they are truly a part of Northwest and that they can find an activity they can be involved in.