Class of 2025: Incoming Sophomores
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The class of 2025 is excitedly looking ahead to their time at Northwest High School.
This past winter, Prarieview had its first school dance, themed A Night in Hollywood. Freshman Kalynn DeWitt described how fun the night was but stated that no one was serious about it and some people didn’t even dress up. “I liked the experience of being able to get dressed up, and that was fun, but Prairieview was just ‘eh.’ I think next year it will be taken more seriously,” she said.
Most of the freshmen were enthusiastic about the variety of electives and gave many examples of classes they had an interest in. Anna Coffey is in theater and is looking forward to being part of future productions. “I’ve been in the auditorium myself a few times and it’s absolutely amazing. I think we’ll have a really full cast over [at Northwest] because all grades are allowed to do it,” she said.
Coffey is also part of the high school swim team. She described how fun it is to be a student-athlete and recommends it to anyone looking for a team experience. She said, “I think it will be different because I’ll be able to connect with a lot more of the upperclassmen. We went to different schools this year and we didn’t really get to see each other outside of practice.”
Lexi Alliss runs cross country and participates in sprints on the track & field team. “I’m excited for PE, Wolf Fit because I’ve heard good things about it. I like how there are electives, and a lot to choose from,” she said.
“[Northwest] is a lot nicer than Prairieview,” said Alliss. Because it is so new and big, some students are anxious about finding their way around. Alliss continued, “I’m nervous about finding my classes. It’s a big school and I have no idea where anything is.” Northwest High School also consists of many new spaces, like group study rooms and the seminar room, which set it apart from Prarieview.
Not having friends in classes is another concern, mainly because of block schedules. Prairieview operates on an eight-period day whereas the high school schedule consists of four 90-minute blocks. DeWitt talked about how she is scared she won’t be able to see her friends. “I feel like not having classes with your friends would be like horrible. [It would be] like an hour and a half without talking to anyone,” she said.
Although there are some unknowns, the Class of 2025 remains optimistic about the opportunities ahead of them.