Zodiac Signs – All You Need to Know
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Zodiac signs are an interesting way to find out more about yourself and other people. Zodiac signs can also determine who you are compatible with and where you are at in life.
If you were born on December 22nd-January 19th, you are a Capricorn. Capricorns are ambitious, determined and strong. They often have many goals in life and work hard for those goals. They will keep going when others would’ve given up. This makes them great partners in life as well as friends. Capricorns tend to keep small circles, but are loyal and supportive of their friends and loved ones. The Capricorn symbol is a Sea Goat and it is the earth element.
If you were born on January 20th-February 18th, you are an Aquarius. Aquarius people are self-reliant, clever, and optimistic. Some Aquarius people are enthusiastic and active, while other Aquarians are calm and sensitive. The Aquarius symbol is a water bearer and its element is air.
If you were born on February 19th-March 20th, You are a Pisces. Pisces are emotionally sensitive, gracious, and emotionally aware. Pisces are known for being among the most sympathetic of the zodiac signs. They will go to great lengths to ensure the happiness of those around them. They’re also creative and imaginative and often very connected with nature and the earth. The Pisces symbol is a fish and their element is water. “Pisces are really into nature which was cool to learn about because I am a Pisces and I love nature,” sophomore Ella Pilkington exclaimed.
If you were born from March 21st-April 19th you are an Aries. Aries people are fearless and strong when it comes to facing challenges. People with Aries as their zodiac are very passionate people as well. Aries people hold a very positive approach towards everything. The Aries zodiac symbol is a ram and their element is fire.
If you were born from April 20th-May 20th you are a Taurus. Taurus have a huge desire for social stability. They long for contentment and great things. Because of this, they can often be very needy. Taurus are prone to anger, and when they are enraged, they can be terrifying. The Taurus symbol is a bull and their element is earth.
If you were born May 21st-June 21st you are a Gemini. Geminis are intelligent and great thinkers. The Gemini personality is a lot of fun, however, it does have its flaws. Geminis are flexible, extroverted, and clever, and there is never a boring moment while they’re around. The Gemini symbol is twins and their element is air.
If you were born June 22nd-July 22nd you are a Cancer. Cancers have a reputation for being hyper-emotional, temperamental, and spiteful. Cancers are also extremely devoted and are extremely fond of their loved ones. They would do absolutely anything for the friends and family they love. The Cancer symbol is a crab and their element is water. “It was really cool finding out more about my sign because I’m a Cancer and I am a lot like how my sign describes me to be,” sophomore Kailynn Patterson exclaimed.
If you were born July 23rd-August 22nd you are a Leo. Leos are very loving and creative. The four main characteristics of the Leo personality are compassion, big-heartedness, consciousness, drive, and natural leadership skills. Leos are known for their generosity of time, energy, respect, and money. Because of this, Leos are attracted to others and come off very confident. The Leo symbol is a lion and their element is fire.
If you were born from August 23rd- September 22nd you are a Virgo. Virgos are kind and sympathetic. They are often methodical and quick thinkers, however, they have so much mental energy that they are often stressed. They are also very connected with nature and the earth. The virgo symbol is a maiden and their element is earth.
If you were born from september 23rd–October 23rd then you are a Libra. Libras are charming, and well-balanced. They often love making things orderly and aesthetically pleasing. They also thrive off having balance. Libras are also amazing compromisers, they like making peace between others. The Libra symbol is scales and their element is air. “I love connecting with others through my zodiac sign because it’s cool to see what my zodiac sign has in common with other zodiac signs,” junior Haleigh Mangan exclaimed.
If you were born October 24th-November 21st then you are a Scorpio. Scorpios are often strong and independent characters who have charisma that makes them non-ignorable. Scorpios are known for being very loyal and smart. They stand by their beliefs no matter what, and they don’t need anyone else’s approval. The Scorpio symbol is a scorpion and their element is water.
If you were born from November 22nd-December 21st you are a Sagittarius. Sagittarius are optimistic, thrive on freedom, funny, fair and honest. They are often fun and spontaneous and usually have a lot of friends. The Sagittarius symbol is an archer and their element is fire.
Zodiac signs are extremely interesting and if you are wanting to learn more about yourself, look more into your sign.