Volunteering During the Holidays
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Volunteering is something that many people do, and most often, they get a sense of accomplishment and a feeling of satisfaction after giving their time.
Volunteering is something that many people do, and most often, they get a sense of accomplishment and a feeling of satisfaction after giving their time. Ways that people volunteer include through their church, their school, helping or tutoring children or the elderly, serving in soup kitchens, and tons more. When the holiday season rolls around, many of us cherish the time we spend with family and with our loved ones. During this time, however, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of the season, and life can become increasingly stressful. Davis Schmidt, junior at Waukee Northwest stated, “I think volunteering is so rewarding because I’m getting to help my community in many different ways.” She went on to say, “with the holiday season, there’s definitely more opportunities to volunteer, so it can be a lot easier to do it during this time.”
Volunteering can be hard work, but the rewards of it are something you can experience for a lifetime. Some perks include building personal relationships, leading by example, spreading cheer all around, and being able to get back just as much as you give. You can volunteer to help veterans in your community, get involved with a hospital that puts on a holiday celebration for patients, volunteer at a retirement home, and so much more. During this season, many people are off of work or home from school for a while, which makes it easier to find a time to help those in need. Later on down the road when you’re slammed at your job or at school, you aren’t going to put as much effort and time into volunteering, so if you’re willing to use your free time, it really is a great opportunity.
With all the food that people make and consume during the holidays, it would be a gracious idea to serve at a soup kitchen or even a homeless shelter and provide for them any extra food you may have. Taylor Haindfield, junior at Waukee Northwest, exclaimed, “I have volunteered at Meals For the Heartland many times, and I really love it because I can feel like I made an impact in the community.” The main part of volunteering is understanding why you do it, not just doing it to do it. To get the actual feeling of pride in serving your community and not slacking off. Amber Sheriff, junior at Northwest said, “volunteering makes me feel like I have a purpose!” It really is rewarding to put oneself out there and be a blessing to the people around you who need it most.