Movies That Made Iowa
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Iowa is not known in Hollywood but that does not make it a place where movies could not take place or be filmed.
Iowa is not known in Hollywood but it does not make it a place where movies could take place or be filmed. Iowa is famous for its Corn but movies filmed and set in Iowa have made it popular, which include; Children of the Corn and Field of Dreams. Others were: Cold Turkey, Crazies, Bridges of Madison County, Twister, The Music Man among others.
The movie Field of Dreams was filmed in 1989 featuring stars like Kevin Costner, who hears a voice in his cornfield at Dyersville, Iowa. The voice kept on saying,’’If you build it, he will come.” He interpreted the voice on his own as to build a baseball field which was his dad’s dream, so to build the field his dad would come and meet him. After destroying about half of his cornfield, he found out that there was more to it than just building a baseball field. While on his journey to solve his next mystery, his wife was being pressured to give up on the cornfield if they wanted to keep their house. A man told him not to sell the field and told him, “People will come, Ray and we’ll tell them it’s only $20.” And true to his words people came from near and far to see this baseball game. “Is this Heaven, No, it’s Iowa,” Ray said after he was asked by his father who eventually met him at the end. He asked his father why he asked that and he replied that, “Because Heaven is a place where dreams come true.” And this field has made Iowa well known to this day.
A horror movie was released in 1984, where the children of a town believed and followed a young preacher named Isaac to kill all the people who were 18 years and above in the name of a god called “He Who Walks Behind These Rows.” The movie was set in Iowa but the name of the town in the movie was a fictional town in Nebraska, Gatlin. Unfortunately for a couple, Burt and Vicky, who were passing through this town, they knocked down one of the kids of the cult and they met their doom but were able to escape the cruel fate, unlike other adults. The couple was able to save the children from this demon god.
Bridges of Madison County, a movie filmed in 1995 was a romantic drama set in Madison County, Iowa. A young photographer on a mission to shoot the historic bridges of madison county met a married Italian housewife whose husband and kids were far away from home fell in love with him and they had a morally ignoble affair, the two then realized that they were soulmates but was it too late. The Bridges of Madison County was famous which made its location also well known and served as a historical site. The actress Meryl Streep, who played the role of the housewife said in an interview that, “I never knew Iowa.” But after the movie, the town and state become known.
Many famous actors and actresses, John Wayne, Donna Reed, Brandon Routh, Tom Arnold, Ashton Kutcher, and Elijah Wood have contributed to the film industry and have made Iowa famous.